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Calm Healthy Horses - Alleviate C

NZ $62.90 NZ $61.01 incl GST

Calm Healthy Horses - Alleviate C

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Vitamins / Minerals, Calming Agents


The calcium magnesium ratio should ideally be nearer to 2:1. The 1:1 ratio in Alleviate C allows for horses to obtain calcium from other sources in their diet such as lucerne or another multi vitamin/mineral supplement.

Alleviate C ProVides bio available macro minerals often lacking in soils, pasture and diets of our NZ horses. Macro minerals are required by the body in relatively large amounts daily compared to trace minerals.

When the animal is no longer tense, anxious or excitable change from Alleviate to Alleviate C which will assist in preventing deficiency of calcium and magnesium on a daily basis. Especially feed Alleviate C when pastures are not being limed reguarly (lime is calcium) - comprise kikuyu or other tropical grasses which contain oxalates that bind up calcium when there is no lucerne in the diet.

Available Sizes: 400gms, 800gm, 1.2kg


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